Monday, August 4, 2008


....I know by now...some of you have had very slight glimpses of the medical surprises that arose during my early years...I've purposely avoided trying to draw you into my trials and tribulations of dealing with scoliosis and what-not...I'm a very, very positive person...I very rarely dwell on the negative...This is a huge secret which I hope to impart on one and all...

...ADVERSITY...comes in many ways, shapes and forms into everyone's life at some point in time....Believe are talking to someone who has faced some horrifically bad situations that most people just could not possibly fathom...In many ways...each time you do face learn something about yourself...The fear alone of dealing with traumatic moments that come our way is always more intense than we think we can bare...But it is the triumph of the human hang in there...and somehow manage to cope with the pain and suffering and of course...the overwhelming fear of when will this end....

...I would like to try to emphasize that maybe reaching out to God is a valuable asset when in the midst of facing some personal extreme....It certainly can't hurt and you really have nothing to lose...I know this maybe scares some people who do not have much faith but you would be awfully surprised how well it has worked for me...And I am by no means...carrying around rosary beads or in some constant ferver that only God can help you thru extreme circumstances...

...As I stated above...ADVERSITY...actually makes you a stronger person on the inside...Being pushed to the absolute brink of your physical and emotional abilities is something that you never forget...You can always reach back and tell yourself...I've faced adversity before and got thru it and have every intention of overcoming it once again...

...In some strange way...ADVERSITY...has actually become my friend...I've had to make some major adjustments throughout my life...and I've utilized the knowledge of past adversities to stay strong...stay focused...and to always try to remain positive...

...Recently...I've faced the biggest adversity of my entire life...a seven month ordeal of dealing with pneumonia...which took me to the very edge of life and death...on so many occasions...I cannot break down in numbers or shock levels which I had to endure...I had to depend on my closest friends and family members for inspiration to carry on, day out...with an emphasis on hanging tough...

...It's very true...tough times do not last...but tough people do...

...I guess I am very lucky in the sense that I've faced and conquered so many adversities throughout my years...Really, I am no stronger than any means...We all have the inner strength and inner will if we really dig down...deep inside...

...So rather than ramble on and on...I'd just like to share this with all of you...I realize this comes very early on in my memoirs...but for most of the people who know me best...I think it may be one of my greatest virtues I can entrust upon you...

...Life such a gift...why not just accept the adversities and the triumphs with equal value...Really, they are one in the same...when it all boils down to it...and the fact that always emphasizing the positive despite all of the overwheliming negatives is probably the best way to lead you back to better times ahead...

...You might want to print this out or put a bookmark on this page...You really aren't going to get a more poignant view on ADVERSITY than this testimony...

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