Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Legend of the Wet, Wet Pee Rag

...The Legend of the Wet, Wet Pee Rag...While its origin remains fuzzy...the legend lives on...On an average night in which my sisters were entrusted with caring for me while my parents went out for the evening...One of them was changing my diaper and tossed it at one of my other sisters...and it landed in her lap...and then all chaos broke loose...Soon they were running around the house chasing each other...throwing the wet, wet pee rag at each other...

...It soon took off and became a staple of fun things to do while my parents were away...

...Of course...I can only remember it...long after I was out of diapers...The game had evolved from using a stinky diaper...to soaking a big towel until it weighed a ton...then racing around the house pelting one another...which caused them to squeel out in fear as someone zeroed in on them as they became trapped and faced a sloppy, drenching blow to the face which would only intensify the game to another level....

...If the wet, wet pee rag was not totally soaked...they would run to the faucet to re-load...and try to catch their breath...It was an all-out melee that did not end until all parties were totally exhausted...

...There was never, ever a clear-cut winner or loser...It was just kids having fun, running wild, coming close to demolishing quite a few knick-knacks...It was probably the cheapest way to liven up a boring babysitting session...And I just don't know how they all managed to clean up all the wet spots from hurling the rag all over the house....

...Even the sanctity of the off-limits, living room...was fair game...It would kareem off my Dad's ottomon or just slam hard against the wall, steps away in the dining room...It was a pure adrenaline rush for one and all...

...I just can't imagine what would have happened if my Mom and Dad had somehow come home early...and seen all of this go down...

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